Results for 'Cláudio Rodrigues Coração'

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  1. De quem é a praça Gomes Freire?: As disputas simbólicas no espaço Jardim e as representações da imprensa de Mariana-MG.Cláudio Rodrigues Coração & Filipe Davison Barboza Carneiro - 2019 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 25 (1).
    Principal espaço público de Mariana-MG, a praça Gomes Freire – mais conhecida como Jardim – é frequentada por diferentes grupos sociais. Essa sociabilidade não se dá de forma totalmente harmônica, o que gera disputas simbólicas. A partir do entendimento de que deve ser preservado no Jardim seu caráter plural de convivência – mesmo na chave da tensionalidade – este artigo pretende investigar as representações sobre a praça através da mídia local, mais precisamente pelo jornal Ponto Final, já que a imprensa (...)
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  2. Ensaios morais, políticos E literários.Cláudio Eduardo Rodrigues - 2005 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 10 (1).
    HUME, David. Ensaios morais, políticos e literários. Tradução de Luciano Trigo. Rio de Janeiro: Topbooks, 2004. 850 p.
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  3. Por um Pluralismo de Estratégias nas Ciências Cognitivas.Vinicius Rodrigues & Claudio Reis - 2020 - Revista Perspectiva Filosófica 46 (2):53-70.
    Como área interdisciplinar, as Ciências Cognitivas começam a se desenvolver em meados da década de 1950 a partir de uma concepção compartilhada sobre a mente, hoje chamada de cognitivista. Esses pesquisadores concebiam a mente com uma natureza representacional que opera por meio de computações simbólicas. Atualmente, há uma multiplicidade de abordagens e teorias sobre a mente. Nesse espectro de posições, há desde abordagens tradicionais, que concebem a mente como representacional, até abordagens bastante radicais, que negam qualquer natureza representacional para a (...)
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    Construct representation and definitions in psychopathology: the case of delusion.Adriano C. T. Rodrigues & Claudio E. M. Banzato - 2010 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 5:5.
    Delusion is one of the most intriguing psychopathological phenomena and its conceptualization remains the subject of genuine debate. Claims that it is ill-defined, however, are typically grounded on essentialist expectations that a given definition should capture the core of every instance acknowledged as delusion in the clinical setting.
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    Physical Exercise and Immune System in the Elderly: Implications and Importance in COVID-19 Pandemic Period.Fabiana Rodrigues Scartoni, Leandro de Oliveira Sant’Ana, Eric Murillo-Rodriguez, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Claudio Imperatori, Henning Budde, Jeferson Macedo Vianna & Sergio Machado - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Physical exercise is seen as the main ally for health promotion, preventing and protecting the organism from several diseases. According to WHO, there is a tendency of constant growth in the elderly population in the coming years. The regular practice of exercises by the elderly becomes relevant to minimize the deleterious effects of the aging process and to increase the fitness index. Recently, the world population started a confrontation against Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19), which is the most significant public health (...)
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    A espiritualidade na formação de professores em tempos de catástrofes: considerações a partir de Viktor Frankl. [REVIEW]Amarildo Luiz Trevisan & Luiz Claudio Borin - 2018 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 23 (Especial):78-95.
    O artigo procura analisar o tema da espiritualidade diante de eventos catastróficos, investigando como a educação pode contribuir para a reconstrução das mazelas provocadas por tais episódios. Na formação docente é importante levar em conta a consolidação da normatividade e a expressividade do sentido como meio de compreender como os traumas e catástrofes tomaram-se parte do nosso cotidiano. Eles vêm ocupar um lugar vazio de sentido, pois as pessoas só se sensibilizam diante de imagens chocantes. A discussão gira em torno (...)
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    The uniqueness of the fixed-point in every diagonalizable algebra.Claudio Bernardi - 1976 - Studia Logica 35 (4):335 - 343.
    It is well known that, in Peano arithmetic, there exists a formula Theor (x) which numerates the set of theorems. By Gödel's and Löb's results, we have that Theor (˹p˺) ≡ p implies p is a theorem ∼Theor (˹p˺) ≡ p implies p is provably equivalent to Theor (˹0 = 1˺). Therefore, the considered "equations" admit, up to provable equivalence, only one solution. In this paper we prove (Corollary 1) that, in general, if P (x) is an arbitrary formula built (...)
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  8. Metaphysics of Time in Spacetime.Claudio Calosi - 2014 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 3 (1):1-8.
    I give a new and more general argument against presentism within relativistic spacetimes. This argument is untouched by different recent proposals designed to save presentism in a relativistic setting.
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  9. Quantum mechanics and Priority Monism.Claudio Calosi - 2014 - Synthese 191 (5):915-928.
    The paper address the question of whether quantum mechanics (QM) favors Priority Monism, the view according to which the Universe is the only fundamental object. It develops formal frameworks to frame rigorously the question of fundamental mereology and its answers, namely (Priority) Pluralism and Monism. It then reconstructs the quantum mechanical argument in favor of the latter and provides a detailed and thorough criticism of it that sheds furthermore new light on the relation between parthood, composition and fundamentality in QM.
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    Measuring evidence: a probabilistic approach to an extension of Belnap–Dunn logic.Abilio Rodrigues, Juliana Bueno-Soler & Walter Carnielli - 2020 - Synthese 198 (S22):5451-5480.
    This paper introduces the logic of evidence and truth \ as an extension of the Belnap–Dunn four-valued logic \. \ is a slightly modified version of the logic \, presented in Carnielli and Rodrigues. While \ is equipped only with a classicality operator \, \ is equipped with a non-classicality operator \ as well, dual to \. Both \ and \ are logics of formal inconsistency and undeterminedness in which the operator \ recovers classical logic for propositions in its (...)
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  11. What Moore's Paradox Is About.Claudio Almeida - 2001 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 62 (1):33 - 58.
    On the basis of arguments showing that none of the most influential analyses of Moore's paradox yields a successful resolution of the problem, a new analysis of it is offered. It is argued that, in attempting to render verdicts of either inconsistency or self-contradiction or self-refutation, those analyses have all failed to satisfactorily explain why a Moore-paradoxical proposition is such that it cannot be rationally believed. According to the proposed solution put forward here, a Moore-paradoxical proposition is one for which (...)
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  12.  20
    As Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação em educação e a racionalidade hermenêutica // Information and Communication Technologies in education and the hermeneutic rationality.Tânia Rodrigues Palhano & Jório Mágno Oliveira de Souza - 2020 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 25:020026.
    O presente artigo procura refletir como elementos das tecnologias da informação e comunicação na educação se localizam na epistemologia hermenêutica. Essa realidade acaba gerando um enorme desafio à educação no sentido de encontrar “razões” que justifiquem, não só metodologias, mas o seu sentido de ser no mundo conectado. Partindo da “compreensão” como modo de ser do indivíduo humano e, consequentemente, lócus apropriado para a reflexão e o fazer pedagógico pretende-se apresentar uma abordagem viável da TIC no processo educativo a partir (...)
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    Factorial Structure of the Morningness-Eveningness-Stability-Scale and Sex and Age Invariance.Paula Vagos, Pedro F. S. Rodrigues, Josefa N. S. Pandeirada, Ali Kasaeian, Corina Weidenauer, Carlos F. Silva & Christoph Randler - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    A Topological Approach to Yablo's Paradox.Claudio Bernardi - 2009 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 50 (3):331-338.
    Some years ago, Yablo gave a paradox concerning an infinite sequence of sentences: if each sentence of the sequence is 'every subsequent sentence in the sequence is false', a contradiction easily follows. In this paper we suggest a formalization of Yablo's paradox in algebraic and topological terms. Our main theorem states that, under a suitable condition, any continuous function from 2N to 2N has a fixed point. This can be translated in the original framework as follows. Consider an infinite sequence (...)
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    Belief revision in non-classical logics.Dov Gabbay, Odinaldo Rodrigues & Alessandra Russo - 2008 - Review of Symbolic Logic 1 (3):267-304.
    In this article, we propose a belief revision approach for families of (non-classical) logics whose semantics are first-order axiomatisable. Given any such (non-classical) logic , the approach enables the definition of belief revision operators for , in terms of a belief revision operation satisfying the postulates for revision theory proposed by Alchourrrdenfors and Makinson (AGM revision, Alchourrukasiewicz's many-valued logic. In addition, we present a general methodology to translate algebraic logics into classical logic. For the examples provided, we analyse in what (...)
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  16. Extensionality, Multilocation, Persistence.Claudio Calosi - 2014 - Dialectica 68 (1):121-139.
    The paper addresses various questions about the logical and metaphysical relations between notions of parthood, location and persistence. In particular it argues that the conjunction of mereological extensionalism and multilocation, is highly problematic, if not utterly inconsistent. It thus provides an alternate route to reject multilocation, one that does not rely on Barker and Dowe's well known argument, at least for those who endorse extensionality of parthood. It then argues that other major metaphysical theses such as three-dimensionalism turn out to (...)
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    Quantum Ontology and Extensional Mereology.Claudio Calosi, Vincenzo Fano & Gino Tarozzi - 2011 - Foundations of Physics 41 (11):1740-1755.
    The present paper has three closely related aims. We first argue that Agazzi’s scientific realism about Quantum Mechanics is in line with Selleri’s and Tarozzi’s proposal of Quantum Waves. We then go on to formulate rigorously different metaphysical principles such as property compositional determinateness and mereological extensionalism. We argue that, contrary to widespread agreement, realism about Quantum Mechanics actually refutes only the former. Indeed we even formulate a new quantum mechanical argument in favor of extensionalism. We conclude by noting that, (...)
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  18. El espejo de agua profunda: La razón ante el misterio en Agustín de Hipona.Claudio C. Calabrese - 2000 - Espíritu 49 (122):281-285.
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  19. La recepción de Platón en dos filósofos cristianos : Josef Pieper y Michele Federico Sciacca.Claudio César Calabrese & Ethel Junco - 2020 - In Claudio César Calabrese & Federico Nassim Bravo (eds.), La recepción de Platón en el siglo XX: una poíesis de la percepción. New York: Peter Lang.
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    La vida humana entre la perfección y la caída según san Agustín.Claudio Calabrese - 2008 - Anuario Filosófico 41 (91):41-54.
    In this analysis of St. Augustine’s concept of natural law, the focus will be on the way he presents, in a continuous development, the ideas of moral compulsion and personal growth. In Augustine’s interpretation of the biblical text, the foundations of natural law are provided, such that morality is not simply the fruit of consensus. Man is seen not only as a product of history, even though he cannot be understood outside of it. The natural order and the supernatural order (...)
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    What to consider about events: A survey on the ontology of occurrents.Fabrício Henrique Rodrigues & Mara Abel - 2019 - Applied ontology 14 (4):343-378.
    This work presents a review of the ideas that are currently in use on the ontology-based conceptual modeling of occurrents (sometimes referred to as “events”, “perdurants”, or “processes”). It coll...
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  22. Lecturas de la crítica en Marx.Emliano Di Claudio - 2015 - In Santiago Polop (ed.), Encender la teoría: lecturas de la modernidad desde América Latina contemporánea. Río Cuarto, Córdoba, Argentina: UniRío Editora.
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    Impactos Econômicos dos Governos de Fernando Henrique e Lula da Silva sobre as Forças Armadas.Luiz Claudio Duarte - 2020 - Dialogos 24 (1):513-539.
    Os governos de Fernando Henrique Cardoso são considerados responsáveis por uma forte redução do Estado através de políticas de contenção dos gastos públicos, as quais atingiram também as Forças Armadas. Inversamente, os governos de Lula da Silva apresentaram um discurso desenvolvimentista, que, supostamente, favoreceu o investimento nas Forças Armadas, invertendo as tendências das gestões anteriores. O artigo faz, a partir da leitura de dois textos do cientista político João Roberto Martins Filho e de dados estatísticos da SEORI, a análise crítica (...)
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    A Escola Superior de Guerra e o discurso democrático-doi: 10.4025/dialogos.v18i1.900.Luiz Claudio Duarte - 2014 - Dialogos 18 (1).
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    Cut-free modal sequents for normal modal logics.Claudio Cerrato - 1993 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 34 (4):564-582.
  26.  41
    The Logical Problem of Evil and African War Ethics.Luís Cordeiro-Rodrigues & Jonathan O. Chimakonam - 2022 - Journal of Military Ethics 21 (3):272-285.
    The morality of war has been debated from a variety of perspectives. However, it has rarely been intertwined with the topic of the existence of God. Sometimes anti-theists argue that the existence of a Western Judeo-Christian God who is omnipotent, omniscient and morally perfect is inconsistent with the existence of evils such as war. We will argue that there is no such logical inconsistency between the God of the African traditional religions and the evil of war. First, we contend that (...)
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  27. Relação custo-lucro e produtividade nas práticas culturais da cana-de-açúcar.Fernando Rodrigues de Amorim, Federico Del Giorgio Solfa & Timoteo Ramos Queiroz - 2024 - Journal of Management and Technology 24 (1):215-237.
    Objective of the study: To analyze the costs and profits of sugarcane production regarding the cultural practices of sugarcane suppliers. Methodology/approach: This study positions itself in this gap by comparatively analyzing 6 types of cultural practices: unraveling, windrowing, application of correctives, herbicides, insecticides and fertilizers, with the option of two systems Fixed rate (TF) and Variable rate (TV). Originality/Relevance: Brazil is a world reference in sugarcane production, with the State of São Paulo being the largest Brazilian producer. However, for sugarcane (...)
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    Azul y Oro.Claudio E. Benzecry - 2008 - Theory, Culture and Society 25 (1):49-76.
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    Miti, simboli, politica: l'altra storia della filosofia politica.Claudio Bonvecchio - 2014 - Milano: Jouvence.
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    Postumanesimo e filosofia: responsabilità o funzionalità: una questione antropologica.Claudio Bonito - 2022 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    SAT-based planning in complex domains: Concurrency, constraints and nondeterminism.Claudio Castellini, Enrico Giunchiglia & Armando Tacchella - 2003 - Artificial Intelligence 147 (1-2):85-117.
  32.  17
    Igualitarismo e liberdade como não dominação.Claudio Araujo Reis - 2019 - Doispontos 16 (1).
    A filosofia política de Rousseau sugere que há uma ligação íntima entre a garantia da liberdade e uma constituição radicalmente democrática da sociedade, especialmente no que se refere ao processo de tomada de decisões coletivas. Este texto procura explorar alguns aspectos dessa ligação entre igualitarismo e liberdade como não dominação, a partir da teoria da democracia proposta por Rousseau no Contrato social.
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    Topological duality for diagonalizable algebras.Claudio Bernardi & Paola D'Aquino - 1988 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 29 (3):345-364.
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    Fazedores-de-verdade.Abílio Azambuja Rodrigues Filho - 2009 - Dois Pontos 6 (2).
    This papers’ goal is to present a survey of the contemporary discussions regarding truthmakers. The emphasis will be on the characterization of the truthmaking relation and on the problems involved in universal propositions and negations.
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    The meaning of time in the theory of relativity and “Einstein's later view of the Twin Paradox”.Waldyr A. Rodrigues & Marcio A. F. Rosa - 1989 - Foundations of Physics 19 (6):705-724.
    The purpose of the present paper is to reply to a misleading paper by M. Sachs entitled “Einstein's later view of the Twin Paradox” (TP) (Found. Phys. 15, 977 (1985)). There, by selecting some passages from Einstein's papers, he tried to convince the reader that Einstein changed his mind regarding the asymmetric aging of the twins on different motions. Also Sachs insinuates that he presented several years ago “convincing mathematical arguments” proving that the theory of relativity does not predict asymmetrical (...)
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  36.  47
    Using ontologies for eLearning personalization.Paulo Gomes, Bruno Antunes, Luis Rodrigues, Arnaldo Santos, Jacinto Barbeira & Rafael Carvalho - 2008 - Communication and Cognition: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly Journal 41 (1):127.
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    (1 other version)Pathways Towards a Global Philosophy of Religion.Jun Wang & Luís Cordeiro-Rodrigues - 2022 - Filosofia Theoretica 11 (1):197-206.
    In this article, we will make the case for an intercultural philosophy of religion with a special focus on interculturality between Chinese and African philosophies. We will provide an overview of the kind of intercultural philosophy that has already been undertaken between the East and the South and point out that a philosophy of religion has been left out. We will then make the case for a global philosophy of religion approach and why Chinese and African philosophies of religion should (...)
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  38. ‘In a Witches’ World’: Hegel and the Symbolic Grotesque.Beatriz de Almeida Rodrigues - 2023 - Hegel Bulletin:1-24.
    In his Lectures on Fine Art (1835), Hegel emphasizes the grotesque character of Indian art. Grotesqueness results, in his view, from a contradiction between meaning and shape due to the incongruous combination of spiritual and material elements. Since Hegel's history of art is teeming with examples of inadequacy between meaning and shape, this paper aims to distinguish the grotesque from other types of artistic dissonance and to problematize Hegel's ascriptions of grotesqueness to ancient Indian art. In the first part of (...)
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  39. Towards a Global Philosophy of Religion.Luis Cordeiro-Rodrigues - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 14 (3):263-284.
    This piece replies to a recently published article in the European Journal for Philosophy of Religion by J. L. Schellenberg and Paul Draper. They contend that the field of African philosophy of religion needs renewal, and they make several recommendations on how to achieve this. I agree with their recommendations, but I argue they have omitted a crucial problem and solution to renew the field; namely, a fundamental problem of the field is that it systemically excludes non-Western philosophies and scholars (...)
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    Antiparticles from special Relativity with ortho-chronous and antichronous Lorentz transformations.Erasmo Recami & Waldyr A. Rodrigues - 1982 - Foundations of Physics 12 (7):709-718.
    Special Relativity can be based on the whole proper group of both ortho- and antichronous Lorentz transformations, and a clear physical meaning can be given also to antichronous (i.e., nonorthochronous) Lorentz transformations. From the active point of view, the latter requires existence, for any particle, of its antiparticle within a purely relativistic, classical context. From the passive point of view, they give rise to frames “dual” to the ordinary ones, whose properties—here briefly discussed—are linked with the fact that in relativity (...)
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    Probabilistic Argumentation: An Equational Approach.D. M. Gabbay & O. Rodrigues - 2015 - Logica Universalis 9 (3):345-382.
    There is a generic way to add any new feature to a system. It involves identifying the basic units which build up the system and introducing the new feature to each of these basic units. In the case where the system is argumentation and the feature is probabilistic we have the following. The basic units are: the nature of the arguments involved; the membership relation in the set S of arguments; the attack relation; and the choice of extensions. Generically to (...)
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    Gilles Deleuze e il problema dell'istituzione.D'Aurizio Claudio - 2020 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 8 (1):231-262.
    This paper reconstructs some issues of Deleuze’s theory of institution as they are exposed in two early texts: Empiricism and subjectivity and Instincts and Institutions. The problem of institution is there formulated for the frst time through the reading of Hume. My purpose is to reconnect the idea of institution as an artifcial system of ‘means of satisfaction’ to its theoretical background and to its further developments. The three essential concepts that I employ to defne the limits of this issue (...)
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    Natural Deduction Based upon Strict Implication for Normal Modal Logics.Claudio Cerrato - 1994 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 35 (4):471-495.
    We present systems of Natural Deduction based on Strict Implication for the main normal modal logics between K and S5. In this work we consider Strict Implication as the main modal operator, and establish a natural correspondence between Strict Implication and strict subproofs.
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    O discurso de proteção aos direitos humanos e a dominação periférica.Leilane Serratine Grubba & Horácio Wanderlei Rodrigues - 2012 - Filosofia Unisinos 13 (2).
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    The Extended Mind.Luís Estevinha Rodrigues - 2024 - ARGUMENTOS - Revista de Filosofia 31:231-242.
    Onde acaba a mente e começa o mundo? A pergunta solicita duas respostas standard. Alguns aceitam as fronteiras da pele e do cérebro e dizem que o que se encontra fora do corpo está fora da mente. Outros ficam impressionados por argumentos sugerindo que o significado das nossas palavras “simplesmente não está na cabeça”, sustentando que este externismo a respeito do significado leva a um externismo sobre a mente. Propomo-nos seguir uma terceira posição. Defendemos um tipo de externismo muito diferente: (...)
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    Jiren(畸人): Daoism, healthcare and atypical bodies.Luís Cordeiro-Rodrigues, Qian Zhang, Lei Pang & Zhibin Chen - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (11):794-795.
    Jiren (畸人), literally translated as irregular (Ji) person (ren), is a critical concept in the classical Daoist text the Zhuangzi (5th–3rd century BC.).1 The concept refers to individuals with atypical body shapes. Some of them lack body parts of the standard human body, like a leg or toes. Some others have an atypical anatomy, like having a chin stuck down their navel; and some of them are, by social standards of the time, considered to be extremely ugly.1 These individuals are (...)
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    Notas introdutórias ao pragmatismo clássico.Renato Rodrigues Kinouchi - 2007 - Scientiae Studia 5 (2):215-226.
  48.  37
    The Problem of Evil from a Decolonial Viewpoint.Luís Cordeiro-Rodrigues & Jonathan O. Chimakonam - 2023 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 24 (1):51-72.
    In this article, we contest the idea that evil does not exist, or that it is a mistaken grasp of reality to contend that evil exists. We analyze two versions of this argument: the 'orchestra argument' and the 'mystical argument.' In common, these arguments contend that those who affirm the existence of evil in the world have a limited view of reality. We argue that these views are either over-abstract from reality or do not offer a plausible approach to the (...)
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    African higher education and decolonizing the teaching of philosophy.Luís Cordeiro-Rodrigues - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (11):1854-1867.
    In recent years, different places in the world have witnessed demands for the decolonization of education. Nevertheless, it is not completely clear how this ought to be carried out. There are various factors that influence what such decolonization may entail, including the geographical place for decolonization and the discipline being decolonized. This requires a specific analysis of each context. In this article, I wish to make a proposal for how to carry out the decolonization of philosophy teaching at the university (...)
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    The Season of Easter: Imaginative Figurings for the Body of Christ.Cláudio Carvalhaes & Paul Galbreath - 2011 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 65 (1):5-16.
    The development of Easter as a fifty-day season in the church year was an extended historical process that allowed major theological themes to find their place as a part of this central celebration in the life of the church. Careful attention to the embodiment of these themes in our Easter celebration can foster the work of renewal in our own diverse communities of faith.
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